Victoria 5112 Tweed 1x12 Combo

Victoria 5112 Tweed 1x12 Combo

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 5112
  • Tweed
  • 2000s
Made In
  • United States
  • Tube
Number of Channels
  • 1 Channel
Number of Inputs
  • 2 Inputs
Output Power (Watts)
  • 5
Power Tube Type
  • 6V6
  • None
Speaker Configuration
  • 1x12"


When it comes to vintage amps, chasing the original Fender tweed tone has become something of a grail quest. Perhaps no other modern amp comes closer to nailing it than the Victoria 5112. With just a single volume knob, this recreation of the '57 - '61 5F1 Champ circuit is as pure and simple as the original. A 12" Eminence Legend speaker keeps the sound big, despite the minimal three-tube 5W configuration. If you've been looking for the original tweed tone with modern reliability, this is it.

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