Chase Bliss Audio Spectre Analog TZ Flanger

Chase Bliss Audio Spectre Analog TZ Flanger

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Spectre Analog Flanger
  • Purple Knob
  • 2015 - 2016
Made In
  • United States


The Chase Bliss Audio Spectre Analog Flanger is easily one of the most advanced and feature-packed flanger pedals ever devised. This pedal relies on two delay lines to create its enveloping flanger tone which "crosses the zero point" and achieves a far more rich and nuanced tone than your standard '80s-style flange pedals. Like other Chase Bliss pedals, the Spectre features an all-analog signal path but with a wide set of digital controls to dial-in just about every flanger effect ever produced and many that haven't.
  • Updated in 2016 to the Blue Knob Mod. Changes included reduced background noise while the pedal was engaged, a quieter, more stable Regeneration stage, and the ability to adjust Mix while Ramping.

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