There are many audio companies that make budget-friendly versions of classic gear. But ones hand-built in the United States by a small team, whose products are so beloved they sell out almost immediately whenever they're available? That's a lot harder to come by.
AudioScape Engineering Co. has only been around since the mid-2010s, but it's created a strong following, all thanks to its main ethos: "creating zero compromise, boutique-quality analog hardware for a reasonable cost." And with a product line that includes 1176-style compressors, Pultec-style EQs, and other vintage greats that are usually very expensive, it's easy to see the appeal.

AudioScape also has a unique business model. The gear is sold on a first-come, first-served basis every Wednesday and Sunday evening. Each drop's lineup is announced on AudioScape's Instagram account and is only available to purchase new through AudioScape's website.
Because there's no pre-ordering of inventory or even much time to learn about any new drop, if you don't jump at the chance as soon as AudioScape posts, you could very well miss out.
That quick pace also happens on the used market too. On Reverb, AudioScape units pop up for sale all the time. The trouble is, they sell almost as soon as they appear.
So if you're in the market, the best way to get notified of each fresh listing on Reverb is to save this search. By adding AudioScape to your Reverb Feed, you'll have the first chance at jumping on used listings as they become available.