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Glendale Heights, IL, États-Unis
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Glendale Heights, IL, États-Unis
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We're very excited to offer brand new exclusive 14x18" and 14x20" sizes for Vistalite! This set is a 14x18", 8x12", 14x14", 5x14" 50th Anniversary Yellow Vistalite Jazzette, made in the USA. Check out our video, these sound unreal! Notorious for their attack as they are for their stunning crystalline looks, Vistalite acrylic drums are a statement both sonically and visually. Vistalite drums are produced to highest construction standards with reinforced seams and crisp bearing edges for optimum shell integrity and tuning range. Since 1972, Vistalite drums have been performed on and coveted by some of music's top players.
Available in 8 standard colors: Red, Green, Amber (47), Blue (55), Yellow (56), Clear (38), Smoke (V6), and Pink (PK). Piece together your own custom drum kit from a range of components or put yourself behind one of these standard outfits. Vistalite drums feature the popular '70's vintage blue/olive badges, large classic lugs, classic brackets and vibra-bands.

Steve's Notes:

EXCLUSIVE FOR MAXWELL AND FORK'S! Ludwig Vistalite sets with 14x18 and 14x20 bass drums. That's right, in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Vistalite, we have created a special arrangement with Ludwig for exclusivity for 14x18 and 14x20 bass drum sizes. Vistalite debuted in 1972 and was targeted at the rock music market. However, what some people don't know is that Vistalite is an excellent shell for many different styles of music. The sound is very clear and focused, and the drums are musical. With this new initiative the versatility of Vistalite can now be experienced by a wider audience than ever before.

NOTE: These outfits are available without snare drums, a 12/14/18" is $2349. Snare drums are $599.

We have not one, not two, but 30 sets on order with many already in stock! Check our Reverb shop page for more colors or reserve one now by contacting me. You can even order a single bass drum if you want to add that to an existing Vistalite kit that you own!

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  • Vistalite
  • Yellow Vistalite
  • 2022
  • États-Unis

Steve Maxwell Drums - Chicago

Glendale Heights, IL, États-Unis
Membre de Reverb depuis:2015

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