Roland JX-3P 61-Key Programmable Preset Polyphonic Synthesizer

Roland JX-3P 61-Key Programmable Preset Polyphonic Synthesizer

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • JX-3P 61-Key Programmable Preset Polyphonic Synthesizer
  • Black
  • 1983 - 1985
Made In
  • Japan
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
Key Size
  • Full Size
Keyboard Action
  • Synth Action
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
Number of Keys
  • 61 Keys
  • 6 Voices


Sporting six-voice polyphony, 32 presets and 32 user presets for a 64-total memory bank and dual DCOs for each voice, the Roland JX-3P Analog Synthesizer pairs the power of vintage Roland analog synthesis with an intuitive user interface for an overlooked synth gem. Introduced at the same time as the JUNO series and built with the same VCOs and filters as the flagship series, this diamond in the rough summons the same lush synthesis notable on the recordings of Stevie Knicks, Vincent Clarke, and Astral Projection.
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The Roland JX-3P analog polyphonic synthesizer is one of the first Roland analog synths to offer MIDI. Manufactured in 1983, the JX-3P features 6 voices, 61 keys, resonant low-pass and high-pass filters, 32 preset and 32 user patch memory, Roland's famous onboard chorus effect, and a 128 step sequencer. It is frequently paired with the PG-200 programmer to allow for easier patch creation.

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