Electro-Harmonix HOG 2

Electro-Harmonix HOG 2

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • HOG2 Harmonic Octave Generator
  • Silver
  • 2013 - 2025


The HOG 2, which stands for Harmonic Octave Generator, is the next step in the Electro-Harmonix HOG line. You now have complete control of ten polyphonic, glitch-free voices that range from two octave below to a whopping four octaves above pitch. Not only do you have control over the ten independent voices offered by the HOG 2, but you also have seven expression modes for a full range of tonal possibilities. If you're fiddling around and find something you like, save it in one of the HOG 2's 100 presets for later recall using their external Foot Controller.

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