DigiTech Obscura Altered Delay

DigiTech Obscura Altered Delay

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Obscura Altered Delay
  • White
  • 2015
Made In
  • United States


The DigiTech Obscura Altered Delay is a dark and twisted take on the standard delay effect. This pedal features four classic delay types: Tape, Lo-Fi, Analog, and Reverse. The DigiTech Obscura also has a Level control, Delay Tails switch, and stacked knobs for Time/Repeats and Tone/Degrade to further distort the sound. The footswitch allows for Tap Tempo, Repeat, and Hold modes, and the compact size combined with stereo in and out makes the DigiTech Obscura a small powerhouse for creating crazy echoes.


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