Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B7K Analog Bass Preamp

Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B7K Analog Bass Preamp

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Microtubes B7K Analog Bass Preamp
  • Black
  • Black with Beast Graphic
  • Silver with Joker Graphic
  • 2010s
Made In
  • Finland


Featuring a hybrid JFET/CMOS gain circuit design, a four-band EQ with minute control for low mids and high mids and boost/attack switches for adding volume while also controlling bite and treble, the Darkglass Electronics Microtubes B7K is an expansive overdrive built to emulate the warmth of vintage bass tube amps. Able to dial in classic bass overdriven sounds from Ampegs to Plexis while also housing enough tweakability to easily create your own sound, the B7K is an essential staple in any rig where the utmost in quality and versatility is needed.

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