Darkglass Electronics Duality Dual Fuzz Engine V1

Darkglass Electronics Duality Dual Fuzz Engine V1

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Duality Dual Fuzz Engine V1
  • Duality Dual Fuzz Engine V1 Limited Edition
  • Black / Black
  • Black / Silver
  • Chrome / Silver
  • 2013 - 2019
Made In
  • Finland
Pedal Format
  • Standard


Sporting a dual fuzz schematic design pairing gated saw wave and high-gain buzz circuits with a Duality knob for blending the two effects for an even wider spectrum of sound, the Darkglass Electronics Duality Dual Fuzz Engine packs decades of fuzz sounds in a compact, discrete package. Whether you're looking for a creamy vintage edge or a RAT-esque buzz saw attack, the Duality delivers in spades.

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