Avalon U5 Direct Box & Instrument Preamplifier

Avalon U5 Direct Box & Instrument Preamplifier

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • U5 Direct Box / Instrument Preamplifier
  • Silver
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States


Often considered the first-call for bass guitar both on the stage and in the studio since its release in 1995, Avalon's U5 combines a purist Class-A signal path with a powerful filter and boost section to accept a range of instruments and make them the belle of the ball.

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Reverb Price Guide
A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

Estimated Value for Avalon U5 Direct Box & Instrument Preamplifier on Reverb

Includes material, year, finish

*Excludes Brand New, B Stock, Fair, Poor, and Non-functioning. Prices exclude shipping and tax/VAT/GST.

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