API A2D Dual Mic Preamp and A/D Converter

API A2D Dual Mic Preamp and A/D Converter

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • A2D Dual Mic Preamp and Converter
  • Black
  • 2006 - 2025
Made In
  • United States


The API A2D gives you the sound of the classic API console preamp with impeccable digital capture. The same preamp/DI circuit of the 312 and 3124+ preamps give you a fast, electric sound with all of the punchy tone that makes engineers and producers reach for API gear on every session. The signal from the pres is then automatically routed to the digital outputs, with an insert point to connect your favorite outboard gear in between and an attenuator at the A/D, allowing you to run the pres a little hotter and them dial back the output and not clip the converter. AES/EBU and S/PDIF outputs connect to the digital inputs on your interface or mixer, and several A2Ds can be linked together with a 9-pin DSUB connector.

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