Ampeg G-15 Gemini II 2-Channel 30-Watt 1x15" Guitar Combo

Ampeg G-15 Gemini II 2-Channel 30-Watt 1x15" Guitar Combo

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • G-15 Gemini II 2-Channel 30-Watt 1x15" Guitar Combo
  • Blue
  • 1965 - 1968
Made In
  • United States
Direct Output
  • No Direct Output
  • Tube
Number of Channels
  • 2 Channels
Number of Inputs
  • 4 Inputs
Output Power (Watts)
  • 30
Power Tube Type
  • 7591
  • None
Speaker Configuration
  • 1x15"


The G-15 Gemini II was the 15-inch version of the popular 12-inch G-12 Gemini I. While the 15-inch speaker worked well for bass and guitar, this amp was actually originally targeted towards accordion players. The Gemini I delivered 30 watts of tube power compared to the 22 watts of the Gemini I. The original amp came with a two button foot-switch. 

Years of Production: 1965 - 1968

Electronics: 30-watts, two channels (guitar, accordion), two inputs per channel, reverb and tremolo, 3 x 12AX7, 1 x 7199, 1 x 6CG7 tubes

Controls: Bass, treble, volume; tremolo intensity and depth, reverb intensity

Notable Players: Mike Mills, Johnny Hickman

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