Ableton Push 2 w/ Live 12 Standard (FACTORY REFURBISHED)
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Ableton Push 2 Controller

Ableton Push 2 Controller

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Push 2 Controller
  • Black
  • 2015 - 2022
Number of Pads
  • 64 Pads


The Ableton Push 2 is a huge upgrade to the already powerful Push controller. Based around a velocity sensitive RGB-lit grid and full color screen, the Push 2 offers flexible insight into everything going on in your Ableton set. From melodic playing to drum sequencing and sample chopping to synth sound design, the Push 2 gives you hands on control over every aspect of music creation in Ableton Live. Premium build quality is evident throughout, from the low profile pads to the hefty matte black chassis. If you're serious about working in Ableton, the Push 2 is a must have instrument that ups the bar for software controllers.


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