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Sometimes...when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

If you are me...and life hands you a vintage Star Wars action figure case from the 1980s, you make a guitar.

I’m not going into the specifics of why this is so. I’m not sure I WANT to know. But just let it be said that there is now a guitar in the shape of Darth Vader for you to purchase.

This thing is made out of vintage guitar parts and isn’t exactly a PRS or Les Paul shredder guitar but it is fun to play and has low action. It intonates well. The humbucker is from an old heavy metal guitar and is loud as hell. The guitar is built around a poplar and maple core so it will hold up to some bashing.

Again...I’m not going to try to explain this, I’m just going to put it out there and slowly back away. If you want to form a Star Wars themed hillbillie jug band THAT IS ON YOU! I have no responsibility for the terrible music this guitar will inspire you to make! Hint: if the entire band dresses up like Tauntauns and Wampas I will totally buy your band T-shirt. Band name suggestion: Ten Ton Tauntaun

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Listed5 years ago
ConditionGood (Used)
Good condition items function properly but may exhibit some wear and tear.Learn more
  • Electric guitar made out of a vintage star wars action figure case because who the hell knows why
  • The Blinged Out Darth Vadercaster
  • Hot Rod Red Sparkle
  • 2020
Made In
  • United States
Body Type
  • Semi-Hollow Body

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Morongo Valley, CA, United States
Joined Reverb:2014

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