In anticipation of Reverb's upcoming documentary, The Pedal Movie, some of the effects world's coolest makers have been creating special releases: the Dunlop Limited Hybrid Fuzz Face handbuilt by Jeorge Tripps, the Time Shadows collab between EarthQuaker Devices and Death By Audio, and Chase Bliss and Zvex's Bliss Factory, all of which sold out quickly after being released.
Today, Chase Bliss and Zvex, Walrus Audio, and Way Huge are announcing four more exclusive The Pedal Movie pedals. They'll all be up for sale Tuesday, February 23.
Chase Bliss and Zvex Bliss Factory

The Bliss Factory is back in a new anodized black colorway. The circuit itself is unchanged from the November 2020 release. It's a two-germanium-transistor fuzz with a five-knob control layout, or "a souped-up Fuzz Factory with digital control and a resonant lowpass filter," as Chase Bliss describes it. Every knob and switch is connected to a digital brain that allows for hyper-specific control while leaving your guitar signal 100% analog.
Walrus Audio Warhorn / Ages

Walrus Audio is combining one of its oldest and newest overdrives into one enclosure. The Warhorn side gives you a more-transparent overdrive with symmetrical or asymmetrical clipping options, while the Ages five-state overdrive gives a huge range of low- and high-gain tones. Interestingly, the enclosure itself is still relatively small, allowing players to pack two great OD flavors onto a tight pedalboard.
Way Huge Beer and Effect Pedal
Way Huge is rehousing two of its most-popular dirt effects into new enclosures, and giving them new names for good measure. The Beer is the company's Saucy Box overdrive, delivering amp-like drive tones through discrete clean and overdrive signal paths in a new beer-label chassis. And the Effect Pedal is the company's classic Swollen Pickle fuzz.