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Pomona, CA, États-Unis
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National City, CA, États-Unis
À l’origine 1 399 $, maintenant 1 099 $ (Baisse de prix de $300 )
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699,99 $
National City, CA, États-Unis
À l’origine 1 399 $, maintenant 1 099 $ (Baisse de prix de $300 )
Plainview, NY, États-Unis
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Plainview, NY, États-Unis
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Excellent condition with low hours on it.

The Classictone is a unique 2-channel amplifier which combines authentic tube tone with modern versatility through 5 foot-switchable features: Channels, Vibrato, Fx-loop, Reverb and Solo / Rhythm.

The electronic circuit is uncompromised vintage-style all-tube without effects-loop or master volume, thus guaranteeing rich, full, incredibly open and dynamic tone. Both the effects loop and the master (rhythm) volume control are present, but their complete circuits are by passable with relays controlled by the footswitch.

The power amp is equipped with a tube rectifier simulation circuitry and delivers 40 soft-clipping Watts for creating exiting edgy tones if it is driven to full output. The Clean channel is beautifully warm with a natural clarity and openness that can be used in almost any music style.

The Classictone amp's overdrive channel features incredibly lively and juicy distortion and will provide you with a wide palette of Blues and Rock tones. The vibrato effect is authentic, beating all external simulations. The Reverb effect, which is created with a classic long 2-spring Accutronics reverb unit and real tube circuitry, broadens your sound with richness and warmth. The unique 10" loudspeakers have Alnico magnets guaranteeing a beautifully rich and sweet tone.

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  • ClassicTone 2x10 40w Combo
  • Pays-Bas


Jacksonville, FL, États-Unis
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