Posting my exceptionally gorgeous Guild / Binson Echorec, and feeling a bit like a maniac because cosmetically cherry examples such as this one never come up— and when they do, they’re restored and they command around $8000-9000. This Echorec is one of the holy 6-knob versions, as used extensively by legendary artists such as The Beach Boys and Pink Floyd. The unit has not seen a technician, and will almost definitely require an elaborate overhaul, as these units notoriously need updating after years of sitting, with gunky wiring and components that are prone to failure. With an example this cosmetically gorgeous, to me it is 1000% worth doing. However I am brutally swamped in unfinished projects, and I am facing an ungodly repair bill from my luthier (the good news: I am also soon to be facing a few incredible, freshly restored 30’s-50’s Martins and Gibsons that have been haunting me for over a decade…).

Please be aware that this Guild Echorec will more than likely need a full professional overhaul, and as such is being sold as is, with no returns. I imagine whoever buys this will be someone who understands how rare and special it is to find a beautiful example of this elusive machine (—look at the tolex!). This unit is both a god-tier collectible and probably the best-sounding echo ever. Please view all pictures and reach out with any questions you may have before purchasing. Will be packed with the utmost care, and shipped out within 1-2 business days. Thanks!

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Inseriertvor 4 Monaten
ZustandGenügend (Gebraucht)
Equipment im Zustand Genügend funktioniert, hat aber sichtliche Makel, optische Schäden oder andere Mängel.Weitere Informationen
  • Echorec
  • 1960’s
Hergestellt in
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika


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Grampa’s Stash: Vintage Treasures & Time Capsules

Hadley, MA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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