
I am David Rodríguez, creator and craftsman of IMBENTRONICS. Since childhood I wanted to be an inventor, I spent my life in cables and I ended up working as an electronics technician and professional musician. Joining my two passions, I was creating my own handmade overdrives always obsessed with the search for unique sounds of great quality. Later, some musician friends asked me for personalized models trusting in my experience and know how to do. Now is the time to manufacture and launch my new creation to the market, the LOUD LAB, an analogue overdrive that works as an effect boutique at an affordable price.

Why INBENTRONICS? Overdrives are mainly used in the rock world to control the distortion of the electric guitar in order to give it a distinctive sound. The loud LAB model is a reflection of the musical trend "loud" that aspires to increase the volume more and more and make the world resound. To achieve an optimal sound I carefully select the components and dedicate a lot of attention to the construction of each model. My goal is to create affordable overdrives that can reach as many hands and feet as possible musicians. What benefits does it offer? A sound palette that goes from the most classic overdrive to the most current. A well-defined sound of all chords (even using medium saturation). A selector to trim the bass tail and get an acidic and aggressive sound loaded with nuances. Quality materials that make this pedal that "rock" with which all the musicians dream to play. How has IMBENTRONICS been achieved? LOUDERDRIVE was born from the combination of several previous models developed for different musicians. I have tried to unite the best features of all of them to get an overdrive as complete as possible that meets the needs of any type of artist. In the next picture you can see some of them.

  • "Loud Lab"
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  • España

Sobre el vendedor

Richard´s Estudio 54

Santiago de Compostela, España
En Reverb desde:2017
Productos Vendidos :5,144
Precio original: 200 €. Precio actual: 180 € (10% de descuento)
10% de descuento


I am David Rodríguez, creator and craftsman of IMBENTRONICS. Since childhood I wanted to be an inventor, I spent my life in cables and I ended up working as an electronics technician and professional musician. Joining my two passions, I was creating my own handmade overdrives always obsessed with the search for unique sounds of great quality. Later, some musician friends asked me for personalized models trusting in my experience and know how to do. Now is the time to manufacture and launch my new creation to the market, the LOUD LAB, an analogue overdrive that works as an effect boutique at an affordable price.

Why INBENTRONICS? Overdrives are mainly used in the rock world to control the distortion of the electric guitar in order to give it a distinctive sound. The loud LAB model is a reflection of the musical trend "loud" that aspires to increase the volume more and more and make the world resound. To achieve an optimal sound I carefully select the components and dedicate a lot of attention to the construction of each model. My goal is to create affordable overdrives that can reach as many hands and feet as possible musicians. What benefits does it offer? A sound palette that goes from the most classic overdrive to the most current. A well-defined sound of all chords (even using medium saturation). A selector to trim the bass tail and get an acidic and aggressive sound loaded with nuances. Quality materials that make this pedal that "rock" with which all the musicians dream to play. How has IMBENTRONICS been achieved? LOUDERDRIVE was born from the combination of several previous models developed for different musicians. I have tried to unite the best features of all of them to get an overdrive as complete as possible that meets the needs of any type of artist. In the next picture you can see some of them.

  • "Loud Lab"
Hecho en
  • España

Sobre el vendedor

Richard´s Estudio 54

Santiago de Compostela, España
En Reverb desde:2017
Productos Vendidos :5,144

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