
Diviser is a 1U clock divider with odd & even outputs. It divides by 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16 & 32 simultaneously. Diviser is based on CMOS chips it can run at audio speed to create subharmonics from an oscillator. The reset input resets all the outputs to a high state. Comparators are built in both the Clock and Rest inputs with threshold set at 2.5V. It means you can use any type of signals in these inputs.

  • Diviser Clock Divider (Intelljel 1U)

Sobre el vendedor

Perfect Circuit

Burbank, CA, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2015
Productos Vendidos :41,827
Ritual Electronics Diviser Clock Divider (Intelljel 1U)
Ritual Electronics Diviser Clock Divider (Intelljel 1U)
130,01 €


Diviser is a 1U clock divider with odd & even outputs. It divides by 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 16 & 32 simultaneously. Diviser is based on CMOS chips it can run at audio speed to create subharmonics from an oscillator. The reset input resets all the outputs to a high state. Comparators are built in both the Clock and Rest inputs with threshold set at 2.5V. It means you can use any type of signals in these inputs.

  • Diviser Clock Divider (Intelljel 1U)

Sobre el vendedor

Perfect Circuit

Burbank, CA, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2015
Productos Vendidos :41,827

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