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Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water Raw Aluminum
Segunda mano – Impecable
getxo, España
Precio original: 340 €. Precio actual: 320 € (6% de rebaja)
Málaga, España
389 €
Málaga, España
369 €
Málaga, España
369 €
Gijon, España
Precio original: 338,79 €. Precio actual: 287,97 € (15% de descuento)
Gijon, España
Precio original: 208,99 €. Precio actual: 167,20 € (20% de descuento)
Málaga, España
248 €
Gijon, España
Precio original: 326,69 €. Precio actual: 277,68 € (15% de descuento)
Gijon, España
Precio original: 323,75 €. Precio actual: 275,19 € (15% de descuento)
Gijon, España
Precio original: 323,75 €. Precio actual: 275,19 € (15% de descuento)


Poolside conversations while staring at your own reflection. The depths of which shall never be known, at least not for another couple thousand years. So it goes.

Before the reflection, is the experience. Before phenomena, or even noumena, is that which is undefinable. That which has never been heard, that which will never be heard again and that which has always been heard but never listened to.

K-field (Simulation mathematics), an undefined, two-dimensional, non-linear field where past and future forces interact at irregular intervals. Shallow Water generates this k-field by randomly modulating a short time delay to create unexpected shifts in pitch. The result is this non cyclical vibrato/chorus/flanger-type thing favouring old tape flavours.

The water is shallow on this side of the pool. Do not dive and you will not drown.

  • Shallow Water
Hecho en
  • Canadá

Sobre el vendedor

Empire Guitars

Providence, RI, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2013
Productos Vendidos :17,942

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