
During the Rock-and-Roll glory days of the ’60’s and ’70s, Ace Guitar Straps were worn by many iconic guitarists of the time. The design team at D’Andrea USA has gone to great lengths to replicate the Ace Strap designs seen in many historical photographs of the period. “Let Your Freak Flag Fly” and hang your favorite guitar around your shoulder with an Ace Vintage Reissue Strap by D’Andrea USA.This vintage line of straps is based on the legends that wore them back in the 60’s and 70’s, each strap is 2.0″ wide, equipped with leather ends and a comfortable stitched vinyl layer on the inside of the strap. Unlike many straps made today, these straps feature a metal adjustment buckle. These straps truly bring back the classic vibe!

  • ACE-3 Polyester 2" Guitar Strap

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The Laboratory

Blackwood, NJ, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2014
Productos Vendidos :7,547

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