
The 'Marshall in a box' that renders brilliant, smooth, tight and responsive overdrive/distortion tones for days. An original design. This pedal adds another channel to your amp with a classic tone stack configuration. From a barely broken up blues tone to a "rip your head off" searing, scooped mids heavy metal tone, this is one pedal that has a range that is usable throughout. Jay has designed it that way. The bass is never farty. Performing a 'dive bomb' will not make it choke. Roll guitar volume knob back and reduce gain. Plays well with other pedals. Picking dynamics and note separation are unbelievable. And, oh yeah, it's also low noise!

  • Destination overdrive
  • Black
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

Sobre el vendedor

Pedal Outlet Store

IJsselstein, Países Bajos
En Reverb desde:2018
Productos Vendidos :966
Option. 5
Option. 5
Precio original: 107,69 €. Precio actual: 95,59 € (12% de rebaja)
12% de rebaja


The 'Marshall in a box' that renders brilliant, smooth, tight and responsive overdrive/distortion tones for days. An original design. This pedal adds another channel to your amp with a classic tone stack configuration. From a barely broken up blues tone to a "rip your head off" searing, scooped mids heavy metal tone, this is one pedal that has a range that is usable throughout. Jay has designed it that way. The bass is never farty. Performing a 'dive bomb' will not make it choke. Roll guitar volume knob back and reduce gain. Plays well with other pedals. Picking dynamics and note separation are unbelievable. And, oh yeah, it's also low noise!

  • Destination overdrive
  • Black
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

Sobre el vendedor

Pedal Outlet Store

IJsselstein, Países Bajos
En Reverb desde:2018
Productos Vendidos :966

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