
Manufacturer Description:

This filter is not a clone of the ARP 4072 submodule. It does, however,
have an identical topology with the same transistors and operational
amplifier array. Some people may find this is close enough to use the
"C" word but not here at STG Soundlabs, so in tribute to the origin of
this filter design it is called the Post-Lawsuit Lowpass Filter.

And before you call to complain, let me point out that
Post-Ambiguous-Legal-Action Lowpass Filter just didn't have the same

*A NOTE on Module finish: All STG Soundlabs MU/5U modules are anodized
to look "vintage, original Moog modular". This process does make STG
Soundlabs front panels impervious to rusting, and the graphics will
never flake off. However, the black anodization is susceptible to
inconsistencies and what some may refer to as aesthetic imperfections.
The faceplates are not shiny, and are vintage looking. Please understand
this before ordering.

  • Post-Lawsuit Lowpass Filter
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

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Pomona, CA, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2016
Productos Vendidos :12,220

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