
Hand-built in the USA using some of the best materials available.

This set is what we’ve always wanted in a Tele… plenty of bite and balance with some balls… but not too hot. The Bridge excels in dynamics and output without bring shrill. The Neck are incredible as well! This set will bring your Tele to life!

Red Bottom Fiberboard w/ Black Top Fiberboard

Bridge has a copper plated steel baseplate

Wired with our exclusive custom cloth wire leads

Alnico 5 Magnets

Wound with 42 AWG Plain Enamel Wire (Bridge)

& 43 AWG Plain Enamel Wire (Neck)

Non-Staggered Magnets

Steel Eyelets for added durability

Bridge Wrapped in Black & White Twine

Matched Set Includes:

Bridge (Output Approx: 7.1k to 7.4k Resistance)

Neck (Output Approx: 6.9k to 7.3k Resistance)

  • Criterion Telecaster Pickup Set

Sobre el vendedor

GuitarBox Music Boutique

Bury, Reino Unido
En Reverb desde:2015
Productos Vendidos :379
Emerson Criterion Telecaster Pickup Set
Emerson Criterion Telecaster Pickup Set
255,29 €


Hand-built in the USA using some of the best materials available.

This set is what we’ve always wanted in a Tele… plenty of bite and balance with some balls… but not too hot. The Bridge excels in dynamics and output without bring shrill. The Neck are incredible as well! This set will bring your Tele to life!

Red Bottom Fiberboard w/ Black Top Fiberboard

Bridge has a copper plated steel baseplate

Wired with our exclusive custom cloth wire leads

Alnico 5 Magnets

Wound with 42 AWG Plain Enamel Wire (Bridge)

& 43 AWG Plain Enamel Wire (Neck)

Non-Staggered Magnets

Steel Eyelets for added durability

Bridge Wrapped in Black & White Twine

Matched Set Includes:

Bridge (Output Approx: 7.1k to 7.4k Resistance)

Neck (Output Approx: 6.9k to 7.3k Resistance)

  • Criterion Telecaster Pickup Set

Sobre el vendedor

GuitarBox Music Boutique

Bury, Reino Unido
En Reverb desde:2015
Productos Vendidos :379

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