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Voerde (Niederrhein), Alemania
Precio original: 609,07 €. Precio actual: 405,70 € (34% de rebaja)


Native Instruments have returned with a new and improved version of their popular Kontrol Keyboard series. The unit features 49 semi-weighted keys on a pro-grade Fatar Keybed, ergonomic pitch and mod wheels, plus an impressive touch strip for expression control.

The Komplete Kontrol S49 offers extensive software integration, seamless third-party plugin integration, and crystal clear displays to make music production an even more intuitive, hands-on experience. Take your music production to the next level with the Komplete Kontrol S49 keyboard today.

Crystal Clear Display and Precise Control

The onboard display has been completely revamped, now featuring 2 high-res RGB screens, perfect for browsing, tweaking sounds and mixing. The precision Light Guide pinpoints the location of sounds, key zones, switches, scales, and more. With immediate access to transport, mixing, and editing controls, you can easily capture all your ideas directly from the keyboard itself in Logic Pro X, Ableton Live, and GarageBand.

Extensive Software Integration

NI bundles in their Komplete Select software which features 11 premium instruments, including Massive and Monark. The S49 also allows you to utilize 3rd party VSTi’s. The latest version of Maschine 2 software works with both Komplete Kontrol V1 and 2 series controllers. The MK2 versions offer up more hands-on control of the software.

Seamless Integration with Third-Party Plugins

Many software developers are creating NKS-compatible plugins which means your Komplete Kontroller will integrate seamlessly. If they’re not specifically designed NKS plugins, some features will usually map automatically anyway and by using the software, you can easily map the other parameters and save your progress for quick recall.

Experience the Beauty of NKS

Our NKS plugin format allows software makers and developers to build plugins specifically for Maschine and Komplete Kontrol, offering players and programmers insane control over their instruments. The beauty of this is that a lot of people want to use third-party plugins but have been limited in terms of hands-on control. That’s becoming a thing of the past as we’ve opened up the platform.

Komplete Select Included

The Komplete Kontrol S49 comes with Komplete Select - downloadable via Native Access - which includes 11 premium instruments such as Massive and Monark.

  • Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S49 MK2 Controller Keyboard

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Brighton, Reino Unido
En Reverb desde:2017
Productos Vendidos :13,993

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