
Custom Amp Cover's Reverb site is brand new site, created recently to give Reverb customers an opportunity to purchase items from "Custom Amp Covers" using the Reverb platform if that is their preferred way to purchase instead of going through Our website.

The products listed are fed from our direct website to the Reverb store and if you have initially found one of our product offering by way of Reverb, please make that purchase here as a courtesy to Reverb.
Please do NOT use the system to message us if you plan to buy directly from our website. We have the relevant option there, which you can use instead of messaging us here. Thank you!

We're an established and well known European producer and vendor of custom amp, cab, keyboard and digital gear covers. Our products can be found in the world's largest music stores branded for companies that order from us in larger quantities.

You have probably already seen our products without even knowing that we produce them. We make covers for some of the most famous and sought-after boutique amp builders and custom shops. The finest gear deserves the best care and protection.

About the product:
- All covers are made with a great care and precision!
- Heavy-duty nylon exterior protects your keyboard against spills and dampness;
- Padded 10mm layer for impact protection;
- Super-soft velvet interior;
- Heavy-duty seam binding with a 30mm seat-belting line that makes the cover very durable and attractive;
- 10mm nylon binding for the interior seam;
- 3mm silicone cord-piping to keep the shape of the cover;
- Rear-cut for an easy cable access!!

If you need another cover for another device - let us know and we'll get it for you!

  • Amp Covers
  • Black
  • 2019
Hecho en
  • Bulgaria

Sobre el vendedor

Gear Up, Cover Up

Sofia, Bulgaria
En Reverb desde:2019
Productos Vendidos :1,912
Custom padded cover for KORG Microstation 61-key keyboard
Custom padded cover for KORG Microstation 61-key keyboard
53,18 €


Custom Amp Cover's Reverb site is brand new site, created recently to give Reverb customers an opportunity to purchase items from "Custom Amp Covers" using the Reverb platform if that is their preferred way to purchase instead of going through Our website.

The products listed are fed from our direct website to the Reverb store and if you have initially found one of our product offering by way of Reverb, please make that purchase here as a courtesy to Reverb.
Please do NOT use the system to message us if you plan to buy directly from our website. We have the relevant option there, which you can use instead of messaging us here. Thank you!

We're an established and well known European producer and vendor of custom amp, cab, keyboard and digital gear covers. Our products can be found in the world's largest music stores branded for companies that order from us in larger quantities.

You have probably already seen our products without even knowing that we produce them. We make covers for some of the most famous and sought-after boutique amp builders and custom shops. The finest gear deserves the best care and protection.

About the product:
- All covers are made with a great care and precision!
- Heavy-duty nylon exterior protects your keyboard against spills and dampness;
- Padded 10mm layer for impact protection;
- Super-soft velvet interior;
- Heavy-duty seam binding with a 30mm seat-belting line that makes the cover very durable and attractive;
- 10mm nylon binding for the interior seam;
- 3mm silicone cord-piping to keep the shape of the cover;
- Rear-cut for an easy cable access!!

If you need another cover for another device - let us know and we'll get it for you!

  • Amp Covers
  • Black
  • 2019
Hecho en
  • Bulgaria

Sobre el vendedor

Gear Up, Cover Up

Sofia, Bulgaria
En Reverb desde:2019
Productos Vendidos :1,912

Reverb Gives

Tus compras permiten que algunos programas de música juveniles obtengan el equipo que necesitan para hacer su música.

Envío basado en la reducción de emisiones de carbono

Tus compras también ayudan a proteger los bosques y los árboles que tradicionalmente se han utilizado para fabricar instrumentos.

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