
The Valley is a collaboration between Henretta Engineering and The Guitar Trader shop in Asheville, NC.
It's a 2-in-1 with our delay and reverb circuits as independent effects, but it there's more.  It has a switch that activates a special mode called "The Hollar" that's named after a valley region in the Smoky Mountains.  When in this spot during the summer music festival season, the music has a unique delayed echo/reverb that we've replicated in this pedal.  When The Hollar is on, the reverb effect is placed only on the repeats of the delay.  The result is a a reverb that doesn't wash out your signal.  Check out the video.  It's cool.

  • The Valley Reverb
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

Sobre el vendedor

Henretta Engineering

St. Paul, MN, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2013
Productos Vendidos :530
Henretta Engineering The Valley  Reverb
Henretta Engineering The Valley Reverb
272,55 €


The Valley is a collaboration between Henretta Engineering and The Guitar Trader shop in Asheville, NC.
It's a 2-in-1 with our delay and reverb circuits as independent effects, but it there's more.  It has a switch that activates a special mode called "The Hollar" that's named after a valley region in the Smoky Mountains.  When in this spot during the summer music festival season, the music has a unique delayed echo/reverb that we've replicated in this pedal.  When The Hollar is on, the reverb effect is placed only on the repeats of the delay.  The result is a a reverb that doesn't wash out your signal.  Check out the video.  It's cool.

  • The Valley Reverb
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

Sobre el vendedor

Henretta Engineering

St. Paul, MN, Estados Unidos
En Reverb desde:2013
Productos Vendidos :530

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