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This beautiful Fairchild 660

comes with the very rare faceplate and is in 100% perfect working order. No ticks, no clicks, no hiss, no hum, no noise while turning knobs. It's a  2XX serial # and does a great job at a 100+ award winning producers studio facility.  

You may know this, but allow me a few words:

The Renaissance of Fairchild (and analogue compressing in common) is a funny result of digital recording. That sounds weird, but when we used these babies back then we had to deal with limitations of analogue tape. We had great gear allover, consoles and mic's. But we also had to deal with tape ... more compression meant more hissing coming back to the console, crosstalk and all that nasty stuff. Using much comp on the input side on the other hand was the only risky and irreversible option ... no Undo button yet.

As soon as high resolution digital recording became a reliable and well sounding storage alternative things turned, creating a clean fundament for the most extreme settings, impossible on a 3M or MCI Multitrack or just a 2track at 15ips non Dolby. An analogue compressor like the 660 therefore is an even more amazing piece of gear to work with nowadays. 

The 660 is the initial circuit developed by Rein Narma and has been fabricated and distributed by Fairchild. The later 670 model is based on this circuit and came as 2 channel (not stereo) version. Using it is a great experience in my humble opinion. A 660 is extremely rare and this one is possibly be the only one for sale since a while.

Publicadohace 6 años
  • 660
Hecho en
  • Estados Unidos

Sobre el vendedor

CPM's Boutique

Arnhem, Países Bajos
En Reverb desde:2016

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