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One of a kind custom STEREO Swarmatron.

I contacted Leon Dewan at Dewanatron to gauge the possibility of having a stereo version of his famous Swarmatron made.

Basically the idea behind it is to be able to apply the same "swarm" concept that is usually applied to pitch also to the panning/stereo image of the voices.

In other words, you are able to CV control the panning and stereo location of the VCOs, just as you can control their swarm in pitch (but independently from pitch!).

It also has the FM mod.

Hate to see this go...but a man has to make hard choices sometimes.

There is glow tape to mark pitch position on the wooden part of the controller. I can remove it if the buyer wants me to...easy!

youtube demo: in this simple, short clip you can hear the swarm effect being applied both to the pitch and the panning at the same time. headphones recommended!

Here's the description:

The Swarmatron was created to produce eight tones tuned approximately to one note, each tone slightly different in pitch to produce a complex and natural choral effect.

These eight oscillators can be played with a single ribbon controller (variable resistor) to move the pitch center up or down.

The span control expands the sound of a swarm of eight notes spread just a few cents apart into a wide chord of equidistant pitches spread over the entire spectrum. The player can "taffy pull" the resulting chord by using the span control and pitch ribbon in tandem.

Swarms of sine waves evoke swarms of angels congregating. Swarms of sawtooth waves evoke the swarming of bees. The sound of a host of voices, earthly or unearthly, has a unique character recognized by the ear even when they are folded together in unison.

Inseriertvor 7 Jahren
  • Dewanatron Swarmatron stereo custom synthesizer (one of a kind)

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The Official Alessandro Cortini Reverb Shop

los angeles, CA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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Items Sold:36

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