
In a simplistic way, The Mod Medusa could be described as an Euclidean LFO : an “algorhythmic” modulation source which produces variable period LFO signals synced to rhythmic patterns. Those patterns are generated by algorithms such as the Euclidean one or different ones coming from the White and Knight's Gallop. The Mod Medusa has 4 outputs generating 4 correlated LFOs, which give different “polyrhythms” according to the chosen mode. Generated waveforms can easily be twisted using the symmetry and shape parameters which continuously morph the signal into different waveshapes. Many on-panel controls, assignable Gate and VCA Inputs turn the Mod Medusa into a strong performance tool. A very unique approach which leads to instantaneous and original results.

  • Mod Medusa Euclidean LFO

Über den Verkäufer

Perfect Circuit

Burbank, CA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied bei Reverb seit:2015
Items Sold:41,824
Shakmat Modular Mod Medusa Euclidean LFO
Shakmat Modular Mod Medusa Euclidean LFO
268,64 €


In a simplistic way, The Mod Medusa could be described as an Euclidean LFO : an “algorhythmic” modulation source which produces variable period LFO signals synced to rhythmic patterns. Those patterns are generated by algorithms such as the Euclidean one or different ones coming from the White and Knight's Gallop. The Mod Medusa has 4 outputs generating 4 correlated LFOs, which give different “polyrhythms” according to the chosen mode. Generated waveforms can easily be twisted using the symmetry and shape parameters which continuously morph the signal into different waveshapes. Many on-panel controls, assignable Gate and VCA Inputs turn the Mod Medusa into a strong performance tool. A very unique approach which leads to instantaneous and original results.

  • Mod Medusa Euclidean LFO

Über den Verkäufer

Perfect Circuit

Burbank, CA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied bei Reverb seit:2015
Items Sold:41,824

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