
Here’s a very unique bird – this tremolo pedal is a 4MS Tremulus Lune built from a kit available on 4MS’s website by Spark Pedals, but in a different enclosure. Shows some normal cosmetic signs of wear throughout (see photos). Does not include power supply or other accessories, but check out our shop online or get in touch directly if you'd like to add anything to your order.

Basic features:

Speed: rate of the effect, from a steady swell, to a rapid fire arm
Symmetry: from ramp-up sawtooth, to triangle, to ramp-down. (pulse width when Smoothness is at square)
Depth: amount of effect from barely a shudder to full tremulation. Can achieve silence to blaring loud squarewave chop
Spacing: loud/quiet “balance” waveshaper… adjusts spacing between volume pulses
Smoothness: blend between full on/off squarewave “chop” to smooth buttery sine-tri-round wave
Gain: overall boost/cut

* If you are placing an international order, please contact us prior to checkout to discuss shipping quotes.

Inseriertvor 2 Jahren
  • Spark Pedals Tremulus Lune

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Mill River Music & Guitar Shop

Northampton, MA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied bei Reverb seit:2014
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