

TC-Helicon’ VoiceDoubler has been garnering an impressive list of followerswhich include The Police and Led Zeppelin used it on their reunion along with countless others.

Live vocal overdubbing from a single mic - No time travel required

It takes skill, time and punch-ins to create a properly doubled vocal track in the studio and it's nearly impossible to accurately create the effect in live performance. The pitch and timing cues that tell your brain how many people are singing are subtle and complex. Imagine a front-of-house effects processor that creates up to four humanized overdubs - live! With TC-Helicon's VoiceDoubler, overdubbed vocals can be "tight and intimate" or "loose and lively". What's more, TC-Helicon includes pristine emulations of classic detune, microshift and chorus effects. VoiceDoubler, with its timeless combination of natural and effected doubling, finally makes live vocals sound like the CD.

Main Features:
  • Creates up to four virtual overdubs of a performer's voice in real time
  • Uses VoicePro's advanced inflection and FlexTime blocks to create a multitracked overdub sound
  • Additional effects include emulations of classic microshift, chorus and detune
  • One VoiceDoubler can be used for each onstage singer to match recorded vocals and create virtual choirs
  • Each overdub voice has unique adjustable characteristics such as gender, vibrato and inflection
  • Secondary input for polyphonic instruments
  • Easy to setup and use - 50 factory/ 50 user presets and top level editing
  • Balanced analog XLR I/O and AES/EBU digital I/O

  • voicedoubler-5902

Über den Verkäufer

JRR Shop

Fountain Valley, CA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied bei Reverb seit:2014
Items Sold:13,017
TC-Helicon VoiceDoubler
TC-Helicon VoiceDoubler
976,87 €



TC-Helicon’ VoiceDoubler has been garnering an impressive list of followerswhich include The Police and Led Zeppelin used it on their reunion along with countless others.

Live vocal overdubbing from a single mic - No time travel required

It takes skill, time and punch-ins to create a properly doubled vocal track in the studio and it's nearly impossible to accurately create the effect in live performance. The pitch and timing cues that tell your brain how many people are singing are subtle and complex. Imagine a front-of-house effects processor that creates up to four humanized overdubs - live! With TC-Helicon's VoiceDoubler, overdubbed vocals can be "tight and intimate" or "loose and lively". What's more, TC-Helicon includes pristine emulations of classic detune, microshift and chorus effects. VoiceDoubler, with its timeless combination of natural and effected doubling, finally makes live vocals sound like the CD.

Main Features:
  • Creates up to four virtual overdubs of a performer's voice in real time
  • Uses VoicePro's advanced inflection and FlexTime blocks to create a multitracked overdub sound
  • Additional effects include emulations of classic microshift, chorus and detune
  • One VoiceDoubler can be used for each onstage singer to match recorded vocals and create virtual choirs
  • Each overdub voice has unique adjustable characteristics such as gender, vibrato and inflection
  • Secondary input for polyphonic instruments
  • Easy to setup and use - 50 factory/ 50 user presets and top level editing
  • Balanced analog XLR I/O and AES/EBU digital I/O

  • voicedoubler-5902

Über den Verkäufer

JRR Shop

Fountain Valley, CA, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied bei Reverb seit:2014
Items Sold:13,017

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