Fender Champion 600 5-Watt 1x6" Guitar Combo 2007 - 2012

Fender Champion 600 5-Watt 1x6" Guitar Combo 2007 - 2012

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Champion 600 5-Watt 1x6" Guitar Combo
  • Two-Tone Blonde / Brown
  • 2007 - 2012
Made In
  • China
Color Family
  • Brown
  • Tan
  • Tube
Model Family
  • Fender Champ Amp
Number of Inputs
  • 2 Inputs
Number of channels
  • 1 Channel
Output Power (Watts)
  • 5
Power Tube Type
  • 6V6
  • None
  • Fender Vintage Modified Amp
Speaker Configuration
  • 1x6"


The Fender Champion 600 reissue is an affordable tube-driven combo amp based on the highly collectable originals from the 1950s. The vintage examples beg to be cranked, and the new ones are no different. Simple as can be with just a volume control, you can plug into the high-gain input and goose up the volume for dreamy, creamy overdrive tones, or tap into the low-gain jack to hear the Champion 600 clean up nicely. A single 6" speaker moves just the right amount of air for recording, and the Champion 600 also makes a great solo practice amp.

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