Video: Joanne Shaw Taylor on SRV, Pedals, and the Guitar She Got From Joe Bonamassa

British blues-rock star Joanne Shaw Taylor recently stopped by the Reverb studio with a Tele and pedalboard in tow to talk through her influences and gear. Amid bursts of demonstrative blues licks, the Black Country native described making the transition from classical to blues guitar by way of a Stevie Ray Vaughan DVD, and learning to inject some personality into her playing.

It wasn't long after her initial introduction via SRV that Joanne got into the work of Albert Collins, and especially his method of playing the lower strings with his thumb. In fact, Joanne's main touring guitar today is an Albert Collins signature Tele that was given to her by none other than Joe Bonamassa.

From there, Joanne talked us through her blues pedalboard, which includes a pair of TS808 Tube Screamers. One provides the baseline grit and the other's kept in reserve for an added lead boost. A Fulltone Supa Trem adds some additional color while a Boss RV-3 and a G Lab SD-1 Smooth Delay gives some extra space in the context of her three-piece band.

Watch the video above for more from Joanne, and check out her website for the latest tour dates and releases.

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