The 25 Raddest Vintage Synths on Reverb Right Now

In recent months here on Reverb, we've presented showcases of some of the coolest vintage basses and guitars on the site. Today, we're giving the synth section of the site the same treatment with a round-up of some of the raddest vintage synths currently on the market.

While the term vintage as applied to music gear doesn't carry a specific chronological definition, we're placing our cutoff around the year 2000, which is, for all intents and purposes, when the newest wave of analog synth production kicked off. It may seem odd to define something from the '90s as "vintage" but given how much the synth market has evolved since that time, this dividing line is as good as any.

As always, you can click on any of the images below to see more about each individual synthesizer.

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