Vox Continental Combo Organ

Vox Continental Combo Organ

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Continental
  • Black / Orange
  • 1960s
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
Key Size
  • Full Size
Keyboard Action
  • Synth Action
Number of Keys
  • 49 Keys


As distinctive in look and sound today as when it was introduced in 1962, the Vox Continental Organ is a combo classic. Recognizable for its reverse-color keyboard and red hood, the Continental employed six drawbars controlling the voicing (reed or flute) and octave range for a streamlined answer to the bulky stop-tab systems on other organs of the time. Ethereal and breathy, this is the machine that gave the Doors" "Light My Fire" and The Animals" "House of the Rising Sun" their signature otherworldly sound.

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