Sennheiser e609 Silver Supercardioid Dynamic Microphone

Sennheiser e609 Silver Supercardioid Dynamic Microphone

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • e609 Silver Supercardioid Dynamic Microphone
  • Dark Gray
  • 1998 - 2025
Made In
  • Germany
  • Passive
Microphone Type
  • Dynamic
Polar Pattern
  • Supercardioid
  • Wired


The Sennheiser e609 is the epitome of "point and shoot" microphones for guitar amplifiers, both in the studio and on the stage. With a tight supercardioid pattern for great rejection and a frequency response especially tailored for guitar amps, you can simply hang this modern classic in front of your rig, practically on top of the speaker, for a classic sound with plenty of midrange punch and focus.


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A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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