sE Electronics Voodoo VR1 Passive Ribbon Microphone

sE Electronics Voodoo VR1 Passive Ribbon Microphone

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Voodoo VR1 Passive Ribbon Microphone
  • Black
  • Vintage Edition Green Hammered
  • 2010 - 2025
Made In
  • China
  • Analog
  • Passive
Microphone Type
  • Ribbon
Polar Pattern
  • Bidirectional
  • Wired


The sE Electronics Voodoo VR1 is a passive ribbon mic with a wide frequency response that covers the entire human hearing range -- not something you'll typically hear from a ribbon. Smooth, natural transients mate with a relatively bright tone to go where most ribbons need extensive EQ to go. The VR1 is compact and durable, making it easy to position and even easier to get the sound you desire.

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