Klon Centaur Professional Overdrive (Non-Horsie)

Klon Centaur Professional Overdrive (Non-Horsie)

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Centaur Professional Overdrive (Non-Horsie)
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • 1994 - 2008
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Standard


The legend of the Klon Centaur, which debuted in the mid-'90s, has taken on a life of its own as one of the most collectible effects pedals of all time. Its ground-breaking transparent overdrive circuit, its use by such players as John Mayer, Nels Cline and Joe Perry (to name just a few) and its relative scarcity on the used market have propelled prices to unprecedented levels. Builder Bill Finnegan has made Klons with both gold and silver casings as well as with an without the Centaur logo (commonly referred to as Horsie or Non-Horsie models). The circuits on all these editions are all the same, but the "Horsie" models are a bit rarer so command slightly higher values.

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