Lush chorus effect with unique control over depth via voice count.

What it is:
A classic effect meant to replicate the sound of a "chorus" of voices all uniquely singing the same note.

How we use it:
To sound like the 80's for guitar and bass.

Why it's cool:
Radically change the chorus vibe via control over voice count.
Acon Digital Multiply is a free and versatile chorus effect with a unique twist. Each simulated voice is processed with a phase randomizing filter so that unpleasant comb filter effects are avoided. The effect can be used to simulate the effect of several performers playing the same tones simultaneously, to widen the spatial image or to create special effects for sound design. Multiply can simulate up to 6 additional voices and both the pitch and the loudness of the voices can be modulated. There is also an integrated equalizer consisting of low cut, low shelf, high shelf and high cut filters that can be applied to the effect signal. An integrated pre-delay section makes it possible to create modulated and diffuse echo effects.

Platforms and Plug-in Formats
  • Available as VST or AAX plug-ins on PC (Windows)
  • Available as VST, AAX or AU plug-ins on Apple Macintosh (OS X)
  • Native 32 bit or 64 bit versions of all plug-ins are available
  • Supports sampling rates up to 96 kHz
  • Mono and stereo (true stereo processing)
Acon Digital Multiply
  • Chorus effect with up to six separate voices
  • Randomized phase filters in order to avoid comb filtering effects while keeping delay times short
  • Amplitude modulation
  • Frequency modulation
  • Adjustable pre-delay
  • Integrated equalizer for the effect signal
  • Graphical visualization of equalizer frequency response
  • Undo and redo parameter changes
  • A/B comparisons
  • Preset manager
  • Save, load and categorize user presets

  • A Pentium IV or higher
  • Minimum 256 MB RAM (1 GB recommended)
  • Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP
  • A host application that is compatible with VST (32 bit or 64 bit) or AAX (Pro Tools 10.3.5 or higher)
  • 64 bit Intel CPU
  • OS X 10.6 or later
  • A host application that is compatible with AU, VST or AAX (Pro Tools 10.3.5 or higher)

Installation Instructions
General Instructions:
  • We auto-detect your computer operating system, so just click the download button above
  • Find the downloaded plugin (it’s in your computer’s download folder) and double click it
  • A plugin installer window will open, so go through the installation process
  • We will also send you an email with a link to re-download in case you need it

How to install plugins in Ableton Live:
  1. If Ableton is closed, open it and skip to #5
  2. If Ableton is already open, go to Preferences
  3. Go to Files & Folder
  4. Click “Rescan plugins”
  5. Find the plugin in the Ableton plugins folder in the sidebar
  6. Drag-and-drop the plugin onto your track at the bottom of the screen
How to install plugins in Logic Pro X:
  1. Open Logic Pro X
  2. Create a software instrument track if you downloaded a virtual instrument plugin
  3. Under Default Patch, go to AU Instruments and choose the plugin you just installed
  4. If you downloaded an effect or utility plugin, you can insert them on the mixer
How to install plugins in Pro Tools:
  1. Click the Track menu and create a new track
  2. Select any of the available inserts
  3. Go to Multi-Channel plugins, then Instruments to find your new virtual instrument plugin

  • Multiply Chorus

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Reverb Software

Chicago, IL, United States
Joined Reverb:2016

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