More Views, Faster Sales.

Reverb Bump
Reverb Bump® advertising helps you boost the exposure of your listing, putting it in front of more buyers and increasing the likelihood of a sale.
Bump My Listing

More Views, Faster Sales.

Reverb Bump
Our Bump feature helps you boost the exposure of your listing, putting it in front of more buyers and increasing the likelihood of a sale.
It’s simple and transparent.

You set your own rate and only pay when your item sells.
Reverb will automatically optimize premium placement of your listing at the top of our most valuable pages.

Here’s how it works:

Set your rate as a percentage of your item’s final sale price.*


The rate you set and your listing’s quality will determine its placement at the top of Reverb’s best-performing pages, including search results, category pages, product pages, handpicked collections, and more.


If you promote a Brand New listing, it’s eligible for additional placements in search results and at the top of product pages.

Here’s How it Works

Set your rate as a percentage of your item’s final sale price.*


The rate you set and your listing’s quality will determine its placement at the top of Reverb’s best-performing pages, including search results, category pages, product pages, handpicked collections, and more.


If you promote a Brand New listing, it’s eligible for additional placements in search results and at the top of product pages.

Why Use Bump?
Know Exactly What You'll Pay

Set your own rate and always know the exact cost up-front.

Only Pay if Your Listing Sells

You’re only charged if your item sells: No monthly fees, no commitments, no surprises.

More Views = More Sales

Listings promoted via Reverb Bump are more likely to sell. All listings appear in searches, but better placement can mean a quicker sale.

Easily Manage Your Reverb Bumps

The higher the rate you select, the more views your listing is likely to receive. Change your percentage or opt out at any time.

Want to find out more?

Visit our Help Center page for more information.

Go to the Help Center

*Reverb Bump fees are charged in addition to Selling and Payment Processing fees.

Tout ce qu'il faut savoir pour vendre sur Reverb

Centro venditori

Il tuo punto di partenza per imparare a vendere su Reverb, comprese informazioni sugli strumenti di vendita, guide alla spedizione e istruzioni.

Come vendere su Reverb

Questa guida passo passo ti aiuta a mettere in vendita uno strumento, definirne il prezzo e fotografarlo per ottenere più soldi possibile.

Prezzi trasparenti

Mettere in vendita uno strumento è gratis, e con il nostro sistema chiaro e semplice saprai sempre quanto ti spetta del prezzo finale di vendita e quando riceverai il pagamento.

Centro assistenza venditore

Dai un’occhiata al Centro assistenza venditore per trovare ulteriori risorse su come vendere uno strumento rapidamente e a un prezzo equo.

Reverb Gives

Con i tuoi acquisti dai un contributo ai programmi musicali rivolti ai giovani, aiutandoli a ricevere gli strumenti di cui hanno bisogno.

Spedizione con compensazione CO2

I tuoi acquisti contribuiscono anche a proteggere le foreste, compresi gli alberi tradizionalmente utilizzati per costruire gli strumenti.

Ops, forse hai dimenticato qualcosa. Verifica i campi evidenziati in rosso.