Roland JV-1080 64-Voice Synthesizer Module

Roland JV-1080 64-Voice Synthesizer Module

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Dettagli del prodotto

Caratteristiche del prodotto

  • JV-1080 64-Voice Synthesizer Module
  • Black
  • 1994 - 2001
Prodotto in
  • Giappone
Analogico / digitale
  • Digitali
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • MIDI Through
  • 64 voci


The Roland JV-1080 is a rack version of the Roland JV-90, featuring a staggering 64-voice polyphony and 16-part multitimbral capability supported by a speedy 32-bit RISC chip CPU. As with the rest of the flexible JV synth line, the JV-1080 is expandable up to 42Mbytes, with expansion boards that provide players with thousands of patches, like "World Instruments" which is packed with options like pop, orchestra, piano, and vintage synth. In addition to built-in chorus and reverb, the JV-1080 also features a robust library of built-in effects—rotary, auto-wah, delay, distortion, and pitch-shifting, just to name a few. A new standard in high-powered synth modules and a go-to for both features and user-friendly functionality.

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Recensioni del prodotto

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