Guitar Amp Stacks

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Guitar Amp Stacks For Sale on Reverb

Your guitar is only one piece of your tone. A guitar amp accounts for a huge component of your sound and your search, for the perfect rig should never be limited. Whether you're looking for the classic breakup of a '60s Fender or the British top-end of a Vox, browse new, used and vintage guitar amps from classic manufacturers like Orange, Marshall, Fender, Vox and more.

What Is an Guitar Amp Stack?

Unlike combo amps (where all the components are built into the same enclosure), amp stacks feature a separate speaker cabinet and amp head which contains the electronics that amplify the signal from your guitar. You can also find individual amp heads and speaker cabs available for sale on Reverb if you'd prefer to build your own stack.

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Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music.

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Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments.

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