Reverb Price Guide
Each time a used or vintage instrument is sold on Reverb, we record the sale price right here in our Reverb Price Guide. Whether you’re buying, selling, or just curious about a piece of gear, you can be confident that you’re getting a fair market range.

What's it worth?
How it works
Search for gear
Our database contains over 240,000 different products and counting.
Enter model and condition
We catalog the millions of pieces of gear bought and sold on Reverb to evaluate specific products and conditions.
See how much it's worth
Get an accurate estimate and learn how the value has changed over time.
Three ways to use the Reverb Price Guide
Price your gear to sell
Use recent sales to ensure you’re getting a fair price and to find the right price for a buyer. Well-priced gear is likely to sell faster.
Buy with confidence
See what other players have recently paid for the gear you want and trust that you’re getting the most gear for your money.
Follow the trends
Feed your curiosity by exploring how the value of the gear you love has changed over time.

How we get our estimated value
We look at sold listings, which means that the value you see is based on how much gear in the same condition has sold for on Reverb recently. You can see its current estimated value as well as what players have paid over time for this gear.
Why share this data? We believe in fair prices for buyers and sellers. Price transparency helps everyone understand the value of what they’re buying and selling.