What the Heck's a Junior-106?! | Fess' Find

For those looking to dive deep into the world of vintage synth retrofitting, look no further than the Junior-106. It’s a custom version of Roland’s Juno-106 modified by the famed synthesizer repair and restoration outfit Synth Spa.

This Junior-106 features a custom finished in white with wood ends and has been fully upgraded with the Kiwi-106 hardware upgrade by KiwiTechnics, which adds a number of powerful features not found on the original Juno-106.

This is the Junior-106

Some of these features include expanded synthesis architecture with dual envelopes and multi-waveform LFOs, eight groups of 64 patches, six-voice polyphonic step sequencer, a pattern generator, a software editor/patch library, chord mode, and more.

Synth Spa took steps to make sure that all of these features are available in the smaller 37-key form factor keyboard without sacrificing any quality or sound integrity. It’s quite literally like having two Junos in one–perfect for those with limited space but still craving all the bells and whistles of this analog classic.

This listing is a true one-of-kind, with all of its upgraded and custom mods. What's more? The seller is willing to accept offers! Don't miss the chance to get your hands on one of the rarest modded synths available.

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