Vox AC-30/6 Twin 3-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo 1961 - 1965

Vox AC-30/6 Twin 3-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo 1961 - 1965

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • AC-30/6 Twin 3-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo
  • Black with Brown Diamond Cloth
  • Fawn
  • 1961 - 1965
Made In
  • United Kingdom
Direct Output
  • No Direct Output
Effects Loop
  • No Effects Loop
  • Tube
Number of Inputs
  • 6 Inputs
Number of channels
  • 3 Channels
Output Power (Watts)
  • 30
Power Tube Type
  • EL84
  • None
Speaker Configuration
  • 2x12"


The Vox AC-30/6 from 1961 - 1965 is the second iteration of this iconic British guitar amp, known for its driving, jangly tone and association with The Beatles, Brian May, The Shadows, and countless other important British Invasion groups. This model added a "Brilliant" channel and two more inputs to the previous model AC-30/4, and sported a redesigned preamp which was much more stable and reliable.

These earlier models could be optionally fitted with the "Top Boost" accessory, a pair of additional tone controls for the Brilliant Channel on a panel which was typically mounted into a hole cut in the rear panel. The amps seen here are without the Top Boost. You can find all AC-30/6 amps with the Top Boost by clicking here.

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Estimated Value for Vox AC-30/6 Twin 3-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo 1961 - 1965 on Reverb

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*Excludes Brand New, B Stock, Fair, Poor, and Non-functioning. Prices exclude shipping and tax/VAT/GST.

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