Line 6 HX Effects

Line 6 HX Effects

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • HX Effects
  • Black
  • 2018 - 2025
Pedal Format
  • Floor Unit


Crafted with eight capacitive footswtiches capable of running nine simultaneous effects taken from a bank of 128 presets and over 100 DSP effects from the Helix line as well as DL4, DM4, and more, the Line 6 HX Effects is one of the most accessible entryways into the world of high-grade multi-effects pedals. Almost infinitely tweakable, each individual LCD display lets users sculpt three individual parameters per effect, and for the fuzzheads in the audience, Line 6's Transtronic technology faithfully emulates the specific characteristics of germanium and silicon transistors. An attractive, compact option for replacing an entire board.


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