Ampeg ET-2 Super Echo Twin (ET-2-B) 2-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo

Ampeg ET-2 Super Echo Twin (ET-2-B) 2-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • ET-2 Super Echo Twin (ET-2-B) 2-Channel 30-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo
  • Blue
  • 1962 - 1964
Made In
  • United States
Direct Output
  • No Direct Output
  • Tube
Number of Inputs
  • 4 Inputs
Number of channels
  • 2 Channels
Output Power (Watts)
  • 30
Power Tube Type
  • 6V6
  • None
Speaker Configuration
  • 2x12"


Ampeg began releasing stereo amps in the early '60s, and the Super Echo Twin ET-2 marks an update on one of the original designs. This amp included an independent reverb driver and can be run in mono mode at 30 watts through both speakers or in stereo mode with two individual 15 watt, single speaker channels. 

Years of Production: 1962-1964

Electronics: 30-watts, two channels, reverb, tremolo, stereo or mono operation 

Controls:  Volume, Tone, Tremolo Depth and Tremolo Intensity controls for each channel

Notable Players: 
Peter Frampton 

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