Akai S950 MIDI Digital Sampler 1988 - White
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Akai S-950 Sampler

Akai S-950 Sampler

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • S950 MIDI Digital Sampler
  • White
  • 1988
Made In
  • Japan
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • MIDI Through
  • 8 Voices


The rackmount machine that started a revolution in sampling, the Akai S-950 Sampler's importance in the development of modern music cannot be overstated. The 12-bit stereo sampling, 7.5kHz to 40kHz variable sampling rates, and 63 seconds of sampling time allowed musicians to traverse new frontiers in electronic production and attracted icons from Prince to Dr. Dre to Bladerunner composer Vangelis.

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