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Synthesizers for Sale on Reverb

While many of us tend to associate synths with ‘80s music, the truth is that synthesizers have never truly gone out of style. Whether you’re looking to recreate your favorite new wave sounds on a digital synth or are ready to dive into the rabbit hole known as modular synths, Reverb has what you need to build out your synthesized soundscapes.

What is a synth? How do synths work?

A synth is a digital or analog instrument that generates and shapes audio signals vis filters, envelops, and low-frequency oscillators (LFOs). Synths were first heard in music as early as 1964 and have been front-and-center with popular genres like new wave, classic rock, prog rock, and even R&B.

A synth works by sending voltage from an oscillator, which creates a pitch, through filters, which shape the sound of that pitch.

What is a synth pad?

A synth pad (not to be confused with a MIDI controller pad) is a softer synthesiz